Two important things we all need for lotto success:
Luck and Persistence.Today I'm going to tell you how to change your Luck from bad to good... not only for lotto, but in life too. Good news for you.
But first - how persistence makes you a winner...
If you've bought The Silver Lotto System, you will know from reading the manual that I consider persistence to be the No.1 factor on your lotto success.
But how do you keep going when you get little or no results, week after week? Last week I only received $60. The week before was just $81.
How do I stay super-keen after "poor" results like that?
Here's an answer or two for you to think about and act on. It's the reason J.M.R. is winning today too...
I can't emphasis how important persistence is to your play.
Many people fail because they don't carry that tiny spark of enthusiasm that keeps their nose to the grindstone when things get tough.
To improve your own persistence level, do these often:
- Play regularly, on a set day each time. This gives you something to look forward to. If you decide to play only when you feel like it, that won't work.
- Inspire yourself. Dream a little about what you will spend your winnings on. Talk to your partner or friends and get a little crazy over how you'll spend your windfall. It may be helping family and friends have an easier life, or splurging out on luxuries for yourself. Make it wild and vivid!
- Think about some of your win away quietly to needy causes. Imagine what it would feel like to make an anonymous donation of $100,000 to your local church or community center, for example. Imagine the smile of satisfaction you get each time you pass by the building YOU helped build, and seeing the people you helped get better lives for themselves.
- Don't hype yourself up. Too big a 'win' expectation means a big disappointment if you don't get what you hoped for. Just keep reminding yourself... "this is not my day - next week will be better!"
You've read everything I have to say about The Silver Lotto System. So what's stopping you from writing YOUR testimonial for $10 Million Prize money - or more - right here?! Order now before the next Play Day slips away and you're still in the same losing position next week.
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